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Writer's pictureVictoria Puente

Back to basics.

  1. Time and Attention: Spend quality time with your children, giving them your full attention. Engage in meaningful conversations, play, and activities that nurture their emotional and intellectual development.

  2. Setting Boundaries: Establish clear and consistent rules and boundaries for your children. Teach them about respect, responsibility, and consequences for their actions.

  3. Nurturing Relationships: Prioritize building strong and loving relationships with your children. Show affection, provide emotional support, and create a secure and nurturing environment.

  4. Encouraging Independence: Foster independence by allowing your children to make age-appropriate choices and decisions. Encourage them to take on responsibilities and learn from their mistakes.

  5. Limiting Screen Time: Reduce excessive screen time and encourage outdoor play, reading, and creative activities to promote physical and mental well-being.

  6. Balanced Nutrition: Provide a balanced diet for your children, focusing on whole foods and limiting processed and sugary foods. Teach them about healthy eating habits.

  7. Reading and Learning: Promote a love for reading and learning by providing access to books, educational resources, and engaging in discussions about various topics.

  8. Positive Discipline: Use positive discipline methods, such as time-outs, loss of privileges, and constructive communication, to address misbehavior and encourage personal growth.

  9. Family Time: Allocate time for family meals, outings, and activities to strengthen the family bond and create lasting memories.

  10. Instilling Values: Teach your children core values, like honesty, empathy, and kindness, by setting a positive example and discussing the importance of these values.

  11. Open Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your children, encouraging them to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

  12. Model Behavior: Children often learn by observing their parents, so model the behavior and values you want them to adopt.

The "back to basics" approach emphasizes the importance of simplicity, connection, and fundamental principles in parenting, in contrast to over-reliance on technology, elaborate parenting trends, or excessive materialism. It's about returning to the timeless, tried-and-true methods of nurturing and guiding children to become responsible, empathetic, and well-adjusted individuals.

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